Belgazprombank is a private held bank headquartered in Moscow, Russia, and in regard to Belarusian sector, it steadily holds the top position in correlation of the bank assets amount. As for IMedia Solutions, setting up the development and design process for a bank of such scale is a supreme goal in this industry. Our team has been involved in the dev process in order to ensure any type of user could use the web-site purposefully and intuitively. Developing web-sites for financial institutions requires in-depth expertise of how such institutions operate both internally and for the public.
Some unique challenges faced for Belgazprombank website include implementing an easy online experience for the card holders of this bank. Increasing conversion and total number of visits to the site. As well as data transfer vital for the bank functioning appeared to be one the crucial tasks on our list. We diligently submitted our expertise and handled all of the challenges with care. The results are the following.
Website Design
Beside the modern design, Belgazprombank has required to have multi-language web-portal, thus it would facilitate the UX/UI experience for all the users speaking Russian, English, and Belarusian.
Elaborating the last point, we have introduced the Belarusian web-ite, the translation of all the submitted content is provided with the help of incorporated Yandex API, thus users can get acquainted with all the interface and related financial materials in Belarusian freely and anytime.
Furthermore, we have introduced the top-notch system of user authorization – while the majority of CIS banks still require the bank account number and sophisticated password, IMedia Solutions specialists have analyzed the online traffic of the client and estimated the decreasing usage of online-chat bots (14% of the total online traffic), modern user try to steer clear of automatic and often inefficient communication approaches. The solution was to introduce the online support system through social-media online chats:
- VK.com, FB.com, Instagram – we analysed the audience of the client and targeted them in that popular socmedia, so now the whole online communication process, if required, occurs there;
- Authorization/Registration process now can be held by using social media accounts of users. Moreover, the basic information (fullname, profile picture, birthdate) is shared and can be be used for the bank profile for client’s comfort – the relative social media API were used during development process (Facebook and VK APIs).
SEO Strategies
Belgazprombank is renowned as one of the oldest and solid bank institutes in Belarus, and in order to bank preserve its positions in search results we were facing the challenge that was subdivided into the following tasks:
- Data migration – all the cvs. files were carefully transferred to the new version of the CMS (update from older version to the current one). Oracle Cibel CRM was introduced as the most efficient solution for client’s taxonomy: more than 50 content types and forms;
- Keeping all the actual SEO positions thus client would not be mollassed by the transfer to the new version – DA/PA, and CTR parameters were preserved and optimized, all the URLs were transitioned from the old version.
As a result we managed to transfer the data corresponding to the bank’s media flow (including news articles, essential milestone updates, official information. The average visits amount has increased to 1 million unique visits every month.
Integration with 3rd party applications
Involved in the currency exchange operations on a daily basis and making it as one of the most profitable business shares, Belgazprombank requested to introduce the feature that would facilitate the search process of the most profitable exchange rate for clients.
The solution was introduced in the manner of 3rd party API displaying the most profitable currency rates and prices for valuable metals.
One more technical hurdle to overcome was related to interactive map position – older version of CMS didn’t support such an option, thus the obligatory upgrade to the current version as well as the usage of GoogleMaps API were introduced. By this it came possible to display for the end user such objects as:
- Precise venues filtration – by introducing Google API the bank clients are ready to opt for the location, venues, and provided services;
- ATMs and offices locations are shared from Belgazprombank database and incorporated directly to GoogleMaps API and YandexMaps API – two most popular route applications in this region.
The most essential feature regarding user’s profile was implemented by using sortable Jquery technology: by enabling a group of DOM element, now user can prioritize the information blocks positions and put most favorable to the top of the page.
Integration with 3rd party applications
Online payment functioning was implemented by out-of-the-box CMS features and PHP 7.3 which makes the website compliant to PCI security requirements. This boosted up such features as:
- Online payment system in ERIP (Unitary Belarus Internet Payment System) via website;
- Online card-to-card payments with no need to use the bank application.
Integration with 3rd party applications
Belgazprombank website is now compliant to the requirement of modern web-technologies and online-payment security policies. Payments via website have generated 40% of new online traffic. By introducing GoogleMaps API and YandexMaps API the bank customer can find any required office or provided service at ease. Data transfer happened to be a painless and smooth process that managed to preserve all the important media data throughout 30 years of bank’s functioning.